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89 children completed the Spine Reading Challenge this year.  These are their prizes.  Additionally a further 89 new books will be added to the school library, chosen by these children. 

We also presented 103 children with the Rainbow Reading Gold Award.  These children gave read at home every school day for the BBC whole year.  An amazing achievement !!



We were so pleased to welcome the Wolsey Theatre to our school on 14th March.  The children were captivated by their production of The Hare and the Tortoise.





We planned lots of exciting things for World Book Day as you will see below.  The children had a great day and also went home with a World Book Day Token.

We were pleased to welcome Jo from Lavenham Library to the school today with a Pop-Up Suffolk Library.  71 children brought their library cards to school and borrowed books today.  



All children were invited to bring in one or more books that they have already enjoyed and were ready to pass on to another reader.  The children then had the opportunity to choose one 'new' book to take home in return.  Any left over books were sold off in a Book Sale at the end of the day.  The children really enjoyed choosing a new book.

Book-in-a-Box Competition


We asked the children to choose a favourite story and put it in a shoe box along with objects or pictures that relate to the story.  These have been displayed in classrooms and the school library for the children to explore and develop their story telling and comprehension skills.   Didn't they do a great job!
