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Friends of the School


Welcome to Great Waldingfield PTFA


Great Waldingfield PTFA are a team of parents, staff and community members who organise events such as discos, bingo, Colour Dash and Christmas and Summer Fairs.  Not only do they raise funds for the school, but they arrange social events and are also an essential part of the school community.  


Every parent who has a child in school is encouraged to get actively involved!  You do not have to attend every meeting – just be able to possibly help at or before the events that take place.


By supporting the PTFA you will be a part of enriching your child’s school experience and enabling better opportunities for all of our children.  


You can contact the PTFA by email or leave a message in the school office.


Please see our events website Great Waldingfield Primary PTFA  or our facebook page to keep updated on events and shout-outs for help. 


We look forward to seeing you at an event soon.


Arwen Montogmery (Chair)




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